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Selasa, 28 Oktober 2008 favourite football club..!!! FORZA JUVE...
bnyk yg blg juve cuma menang wasit or apalah..atau mengungkit masa lalu pas juve terdegradasi ke serie-B sebagai alasan untuk mengejek juve abis2an...Egp mah...I'll always love juve..!! Bianconeri the numero uno.. Gak tw juga knp bisa fall in love ma bola...Yang jelas dua kakakku cowok semua dan sejak kecil aku harus membiasakan diri dengan apa yang mereka suka jika aku ingin tetap bermain bersama mereka...Jadi, karena sering maen ma mereka n sering nonton bola ama mereka, aku jadi ketagihan pingin selalu nonton bola, especially juventus and Manchester united..!! Kalo maen bola...pas masih kecil suka maen juga bareng kakak...Tapi sekarang, mungkin kali, hahaha...

When i was the first time i saw football match in television...i didnt understand why my brothers loved it realy much..? First i said, What could i see at that match?? one ball and 22 players..?? Or something else that was better than that?? was not only how i found my heroes..Del piero and david beloved favourite clubs, juve n ManUtd...But its about...a GAME... hOW u cooperative with ur team mates and gave the best win the game...!!!

Football...the most popular sport in the world.. n i love it.... And the most important one, i found my love Cristiano Ronaldo... haha....!!!

Forza Juve...GLory ManUtd...and....Bravo sepakbola..!!!

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